I Miss You, Toastmasters!

I hope you and your loved ones are safe during this time of unprecedented change and uncertainty. With all that's going on around us, Toastmasters may be the last thing on your mind.

But if practicing social distancing means you are missing the regular interaction of your Toastmasters club, here are 10 ways to keep Toastmasters in your life.
  • Encourage your club to meet online. Toastmasters International has resources available.

  • If your club doesn't conduct meetings online, you can find other online clubs (all over the world!) and attend as guest.

  • Take this time to finally get a handle on Pathways! Register for your first free path, click around, read the materials and watch videos. You won't break it!

  • In Pathways there are some projects that don't need to be done in the club environment. Social Media, Podcasting, Blogging, Running an Online Meeting etc. You can now do projects in any order so no need to wait to access advanced projects.

  • Write a speech about your experiences. What have you learned about your family? How can we stay fit without going to the gym? Communication tips for living in close quarters? 3 Ways to prevent boredom? The possibilities are endless.

  • Play a game of table topics with your family.

  • Take turns presenting a toast at dinner.

  • Choose a word of the week and post it in the kitchen.

  • Listen to the Toastmasters International Podcast

  • Connect with other Toastmasters on Facebook. Check out your District's Facebook Group, Toastmasters International Facebook Group, and Pathways Discussion Forum

Wherever you are, I wish you good health. I urge you to stay in touch with your fellow Toastmasters and continue to progress on your Toastmaster journey.

How are you keeping Toastmasters in your life?
Let me know in the comments what other ideas Toastmasters should try..


  1. While I may not be an active toastmaster I really appreciate the points in your post. Take the time to learn a new skill (for Toastmasters ... Pathway Projects) and find new, creative, ways to connect with you friends and family (Zoom, video workouts, etc). And most importantly stay safe and healthy!


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